Issue 5 is GO!

Issue 5 is GO!

Issue Five is out now! The gentle focus or theme in this issue is ‘Of Nature’, and of course there is a whole lot of nature to be inspired by, enthused about, and to revel in! When I was planning this issue I was thinking of all the natural colours of wool and fibers, the ways nature inspires so many artists in their creativity and thinking. Then I dug down even deeper and started thinking about the ‘nature’ of who we

Fundamental Issues with Marketing

Fundamental Issues with Marketing

This is a post a little bit away from my usual, however there is this THING I have been grappling with for some months now, and I am finally starting to see the light! The THING is marketing. It is something I have always struggled with, I love to make things, to share things, I am hopeless at selling anything.. in fact my default behaviour usually ends up with me giving things away or seriously underpricing. It was a blessing

Celebrating a Year of tinyStudio Magazine!

Celebrating a Year of tinyStudio Magazine!

It’s true! One whole year dedicated to publishing this awesome new fiber arts magazine! There are now FOUR issues published and this month marks the beginning, when I opened up subscriptions and started building the very first Issue 🙂  Since then Evanita and I have made loads of big changes to the website, streamlined it and added content. I have made LOTS of tinystudioTV episodes that now reside in the library for all subscribers too! The activity of finding just

Minimalism, TinyStudio Style!

Minimalism, TinyStudio Style!

Let me begin this with explaining that I am not a minimalist. I would like to be but I find living with other people (the family) nullifies any attempt I make at creating a simple, sparse, minimalistic environment. As well as this, my own activities deny me the opportunity for the ‘perfect’ clean, white, spacious studio of my dreams and rather, drop me in the midst of stash fiber, cones of yarn, tools, paper, drawing equipment, weaving looms and tools,

Digital or Online, What’s the Difference?

Digital or Online, What’s the Difference?

Something interesting I have noted since I started publishing the tinyStudio Creative Life magazine, is the difference between ‘Online’ and ‘Digital’. Why is this important to me? And what is the difference? tinyStudio Creative Life magazine is a ‘digital’ magazine, this is why it is important to me 🙂 In the big picture, there isn’t any kind of earth shattering difference between the terms ‘digital’ and ‘online’, however in your day to day life, the differences between them can be

A Day of Colour

A Day of Colour

Colours are not just surface decoration, or ways to differentiate between ripe or unripe, clean or muddy, or even edible/inedible. Colour is a noun… colour – the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light. “the lights flickered and changed colour” synonyms: hue, shade, tint, tone, tinge, cast, tincture “the lights flickered and changed colour” Colour is also a verb – change the colour of (something) by painting, dyeing, or shading

tinyStudio Creative Life, Issue 2 is Here!

tinyStudio Creative Life, Issue 2 is Here!

It is here! We have a shiny new Issue of tinyStudio Creative Life magazine available now to all Subscribers! This time we get behind the scenes with some amazing spinning wheel creators, we have some awesome hands on tutorials, and we have the thoughts and ideas of some extremely inspirational fiber artists. After the launch of issue One I was feeling anxious about being able to match the quality and depth of Issue One, but I very quickly saw that

2018 Round-up

2018 Round-up

First lets start with something festive!  Actually, beyond the image above, I don’t know quite where to start, this year has been eventful! At the beginning of 2018 all I knew was that I had ideas, that the website needed updating and refreshing, and the vague feeling that in order to increase my creative time I needed to put my ideas about simplification and organisation into practice! Added to this the ongoing parenting involved in getting a ten year old

tinyStudio Creative Life Magazine Giveaway!

tinyStudio Creative Life Magazine Giveaway!

I need to start by saying this is a dream come true, creating the fibery magazine that I have always wanted to read! And after a very long time in the planning, our website is reignited and the very first issue is out with subscribers. I can breathe again 🙂 I am over the moon thrilled with how Issue One has come together, Evanita and I found such a variety of incredible artists who share beautiful insights into their processes

Introducing tinyStudio! Its a book! Its a new Magazine!

Introducing tinyStudio! Its a book! Its a new Magazine!

We live in a world of instant communications, digital lifestyles, and busy living, keeping us permanently ‘on’ and frequently feeling rushed and uncreative. Even in our lives as fiber artists we can find ourselves swirling around in a myriad of online courses, books, and YouTube tutorials with step by step instructions for a million different yarns. And then there are all the tools and toys: combs, wheels, e-spinners, drum carders, lazy kates… Do you feel a little overwhelmed at all