Issue 12 is here!

Issue 12 is here!

What does Issue 12 mean? Firstly, it means three years of tinyStudio Creative Life magazine! Woohoo! With four issues per year, this issue marks the third volume of our annual content, and I couldn’t be more proud. When I started tinyStudio, I had a vision of what I wanted to create; it was based on my ideas about the kind of magazine I wanted to read myself, as a fiber artist. It included an endless curiosity about all kinds of

Call for Sponsors!

Call for Sponsors!

I would like to invite you (or maybe someone you know with a fab fiber business!) to become an important part of tinyStudio Creative Life magazine! In case you haven’t met me yet, my name is Suzy Brown (aka Woolwench), and I am the owner and publisher of tinyStudio Creative Life magazine! This is a publication I am extremely proud of, as with it, I have taken my big bodacious dream of a lifestyle magazine for fiber artists, and made

tinyStudio Creative Life Magazine Giveaway!

tinyStudio Creative Life Magazine Giveaway!

I need to start by saying this is a dream come true, creating the fibery magazine that I have always wanted to read! And after a very long time in the planning, our website is reignited and the very first issue is out with subscribers. I can breathe again 🙂 I am over the moon thrilled with how Issue One has come together, Evanita and I found such a variety of incredible artists who share beautiful insights into their processes