Painting with Color and Light

One of my favorite places to spend time is at the Winterthur Museum about two hours away from me in Delaware.  I have visited many times during the winter (I like the Christmas display) and this year I also got to go with Suzy when she was here in April.  As luck would have it, a couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to go when the Tiffany Glass: Painting with Color and Light exhibition was starting.  This was

Spin Artiste’s Featured Artist: Karen Pardee of Serendipity Saori Studio

Publisher’s Notes: This Featured Artist post is near and dear to my heart for a number of reasons. Karen Pardee of Serendipity Saori Studio is a fiber hero of mine AND she lives in a part of the United States that is both beautiful as well as an area where I have roots and am connected. I know that you will enjoy reading about Karen and what led her to study and embrace Saori. It is with great pleasure that

The Big Tour de Fleece Wrap Up!

Oh, the Tour de Fleece, how I love that part of the summer!  And, sadly, another Tour de Fleece has come and gone but it was not without a lot of Fibery Goodness involved.  Our team was  hosted by the Hostess with the Mostess, Jan Massie of Just 4 Ewe Studio.  Since it was our first year having our own team, we were delighted to have over 50 members and in true Fibery Goodness fashion, our team spanned the globe!

Spin Artiste’s Featured Artist of the Week: Lise Condis of Tre Liz plus awesome Fiber Giveway

Publisher’s Notes: One of the most wonderful aspects of interacting with students through our online courses at is meeting new people from all over the globe who are kindred spirits. I love welcoming new fiber artist friends into my life! Over the past 18 months, I have had the pleasure to get to know Lise Condis of Tre Liz, a new friend with incredible drive and talent who lives in Greece. Lise does it all…dyes, spins, knits and creates

Spin Artiste’s Featured Artist of the Week: Holly Madison of Blue Barn Fiber plus Fiber Giveaway!

Arlene here….we are going to be migrating the Spin Artiste content over the Fibery Goodness.  As part of the transition, I will be posting just three more interviews over at that will be also cross posted here.  Then, on a go forward basis, all Spin Artiste style content will be a permanent part of Fibery Goodness.  Now, let’s get onto the good stuff!   Publisher’s Notes: This week I’m so pleased to feature Holly Madison of Blue Barn Fiber!

Breaking Free…

OMG…I feel like I’ve been harboring a dirty secret for awhile now…Today it is time for “Blog Confessions”! I am a spinner and a weaver…some even say “artist”…but I started as a knitter and really, really, really, I’ve got more hours logged knitting socks than anything else, I think (I have a suitcase full of hand knit socks and I recently gave away ten pairs and the suitcase is still full to the brim).  Many moons ago, when all I

Buying and Selling Spinning Wheels

Originally, I was going to write my take on “Buying your First Spinning Wheel”, but as a delved further into my thoughts on the topic, I realized that would be short-changing this post.  So, instead, we are going to take a look at some of my adventures in buying and selling spinning wheels which will include some thoughts on buying your first wheel. The moment I decided to learn how to hand spin yarn and what type of yarn I

Fiber Tech: Where Old Meets New

I was thinking this week about all the different things I love to do with technology as it relates to fiber and realized this is a subject that I’ve never written about previously, but that I would very much like to write about on occasion.  So, welcome to my new somewhat irregular column, “Fiber Tech” where I’m going to explore different ways to increase your fiber fun via technology.

Crazy about Coils

This week I was digging around in the pictures on my phone and found this: And, it dawned on me, I’m a bit of a Coil junkie and decided I would share with you some of my thoughts on spinning coils.  For those of you who have not yet spun a coiled yarn, the concept is simple:  you spin a single and then ply it over a core yarn, wrapping the single around the core.

Graduation Event: Sunday, March 22nd @ 7:00 PM EST!

Finally, finally, spring is coming here in Pennsylvania (is that wishful thinking when we had snow yesterday?) and with spring, comes such things as graduations.   So, in keeping with the season, we are having our own graduation tomorrow night for our most recent final projects for the Journey to the Golden Fleece.  We will be broadcasting live and here are the links: Youtube Google Plus I’ve been begging but so far, I’m still not able to get Suzy to commit