Tool Tips: The Humble Diz

Firstly, remember a while back Arlene surprised me with a wonderful woven treat? (I am still glowing!) So now, with my impending trip to the US and the much looked forward to hang out with Arlene between workshops, I thought it a great time to return the favour. I took this off the loom today, and it just needs washing and fulling and then it gets packed for the big flight across the water. I can’t wait to hand this

Fiber Preparation is EVERYTHING

As a beginner spinner, I remember fiber being, well, just fiber.  And, there were all of these strange terms such as “batt”, “rolag”, and “combed top”.  It was confusing…remember, I wasn’t a natural with my wheel and to make matters worse, I wanted to cling to the idea that any fiber would do! But,  slowly my understanding regarding fibery-related matters started to become clearer.  I learned about staple length.  I watched old dvd’s from master spinners like Rita Buchanan.  The