The Fiberygoodness Evolution Rolag Challenge!

The Fiberygoodness Evolution Rolag Challenge!

After our successful trials of our ‘Evolution’ projects, it was time to move it into our main group page and share the fun with even more people. So the challenge was begun! The instructions were as follows: Yes my fellow fibery gods and goddesses, this is a whole new world of rampant rolly rolags, fantastic fluffed up fiber, mixy mashups of mightyness! The rolag is our focus for the next three weeks. Are you up to the challenge!? Then read

Exploring Elements with Christiane Knight

Exploring Elements with Christiane Knight

This week we are sharing in the process of fiber creation with our current Artist In Residence: Christiane Knight. These insights into how Chris works are both inspiring and motivational, and it is exciting to see the way she has approached what could be quite a daunting task, with flair and creativity! The rest of this post is provided by Christiane, I know you will enjoy it as much as I have!  🙂 When I decided that my Artist in


This week we have a new and exciting announcement to make, because once again our little team is expanding! We are super lucky to welcome on board the lovely Claire Des Bruyeres! Claire is now our French Connection, the oo in our la, the croissant with our coffee, our point of contact for all our treasured French speaking students! We are deeply grateful that Claire has made herself available to help us in this way, along with Jan and Evanita! 

Spin to Ply

Its my turn to write a blogpost  this week (Suzy), and I would like to share something with you about spinning, more specifically about plying. This is actually a document that we created to send out along  with our first set of yarn recipe cards, and I think its useful for anyone who wants to ply once, twice, three times, even ten times.. if you want to add texture to your yarns, create unique combinations of colour and form, and


I like to think we all get this. Doesnt matter if not, because I can pretend to myself very well that ‘everyone’ gets sidetracked, its not unique, I am not the only one who struggles with it… SIGH Well last week Arlene posted about being stuck -v – resting. She very rightly pointed out that we need to take breaks, to rest, to allow ourselves the time and space to get over being stuck and move on revitalised. Well in

Endings and Beginnings…

3, 2, 1, go! Enrolments are  now open for the next instalment of the Journey to the Golden Fleece Creativity Certificate course! This is an exciting time for Arlene and myself, the first group of course participants are nearly the close of their module work, and we are planning Graduations! The second group are over halfway through their course as well, and the Galleries are filling up with absolutely inspiring and innovative yarns and creations! And now we have new