Spin to Ply

Its my turn to write a blogpost  this week (Suzy), and I would like to share something with you about spinning, more specifically about plying. This is actually a document that we created to send out along  with our first set of yarn recipe cards, and I think its useful for anyone who wants to ply once, twice, three times, even ten times.. if you want to add texture to your yarns, create unique combinations of colour and form, and

Entering the World of FiberyGoodness

Entering the World of FiberyGoodness

Monday afternoon progress report! Arlene is in San Francisco, pretty much exactly where I would like to be right now too! We currently have storm conditions in the Netherlands, while I am absolutely positive that Arlene is swanning around SF under clear sunshiny blue skies, listening to tram bells and enjoying some good food (Rice A Roni!!!) and, you know, sparkling waters over the bay stuff… So it’s just me (Suzy) posting today,  left here in the cold and dark